The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Friday, May 25, 2007



Today's election in the Republic of Ireland is illegal.
The electoral process has been hijacked.
It has been hijacked through a mixture of incompetence and malign manipulation.
Over five hundred thousand voters have been removed from the voters' register.
No explanation or warning was offered for their removal.
People who had voted all their lives, only found out something was up when their voting cards failed to arrive last week.
The removal of over half a million people from the voters' register, in a country with a population of four million, was carried out under legislation introduced last year.
I am profoundly convinced that the removal of over half a million voters from the register amounts to a coup d'etat by the governing parties.
At local level, in the town of Kilcullen whole sections of the populace, particularly in the Bishop Rogan estate, have found themselves completely disenfranchised.
The same pattern of egregious disenfranchisement has been repeated nationwide.
I believe this represents a blatent gerrymandering of the electoral process.
The constitution of the Republic of Ireland has been willfully trahaised.
Our democracy has been trampled in the mud of petty ambition by a shambolic alliance of parvenus and aparatchiks.
I call on Irish men and Irish women of honour and integrity, no matter what their political or personal backgrounds, to unite in rejection of this sham, this mockery, this thieving of our democracy.
I call on the thieves who have stolen our country to return what they have stolen.
I call on the courts to uphold our constitution.
This election is null and void.


Blogger Schneewittchen said...

But what are the grounds for removing these people James?

3:48 AM  
Blogger heelers said...

Oh no Schnee.
I'm after calling for a revolution.
I find it loses its effect when I do it once a month.
The electoral lists were altered in order to update them.
Me and the Dad lost the vote. The Mam retained hers. My cousin Richard received no less than four voter's cards.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have failed to hang people for treason in the last few decades - I think you have provided an excellent opportunity to revive the practice- I look forward to the speech from the tumbril


12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way beg permission to be included as a usually dissenting voice - my identity is transparent


12:55 AM  
Blogger Schneewittchen said...

Well, it does actually sound as though the election WAS illegal if all these people were arbitrarily disenfranchised.
A revolution it is then.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

I don't blame you for being angry, James, and I hope that you see some justice.

5:38 AM  

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